Friday, May 21, 2010

A few videos

One of my purchases before our second trip to China was a Flip DVD recorder.  Here are a few videos that I shot……

The first is a group of retired persons doing a Tai-Chi type of exercise in Green Lake Park.  The interesting thing is that I have always seen pictures of people in China doing these type of exercises and have always thought that the government MADE them do it, but these people were just enjoying the park and each other too…..


I dont think that I could do this next one…..could you…..


Here is a video of some of the traffic in Kunming.  This was actually at a slow time of day.  It is a wonderful mixture of buses, cars, scooters and bikes…..


Finally, on the last afternoon we took a final walk in the park and there were tons of individuals and groups playing, singing and teaching all over the park.  Here is a video of some of the musicians that we watched……

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