Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Last set of photos from Kunming

The Garden Lake Hotel…..


Tai-Chi in the park………_3104714

Tai-chi with swords!!!…. I wouldn’t interrupt this group if I were you….


Beautiful vegetables from the Kunming Market……._3104727 _3104728 _3104731   Love the chicken feet  (talk about buying a whole chicken)…….


Loved this sign…….


This gentleman was doing some wonderful counted cross-stitch…..


Looking out over Kunming……._3104769 My wonderful guide, CC………..


Burning incense at the Temple……..


Loved the fire extinguishers next to the incense pit……._3114788

Photos from the Temple……… _3114786  _3114792 _3114795 _3114799


It looks like the turtles are worshiping too……_3114824 _3114831

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


The Kids……………………._3084284



LETS DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_3084356   _3084291 _3084294 _3084304  _3084305 _3084329_3084318 _3084354

How about the Hokey Pokey??????????????


Kitchen where their meals are cooked………..


Photos from Old Town in Dahli

Alternate transport…….


   Michael at the market…………………_3094511

A little card playing, a little laughter, a little fun!!!……. _3094509

Doug has his shoes fixed by a street cobbler……._3094516

Brushes hang from the ceiling of a “writing” shop……. _3094521

Funeral sprays……………………


Hired mourners…..notice the cool dragon carved on the handle of the instrument……..


The tailor’s shop……


Knitting is a BIG deal in China…….

_3094533 _3094537  


Heading Home Again

We were picked up at the hotel at 7:00 by Ja-Lin (finally found out exactly how to spell her name).   She took us to the airport and made sure that we were checked in for our flights and walked us to the security check point.  With tears in her eyes, she said that she would miss was hard to say good-bye!!!

The first flight to Beijing was uneventful, however we were shocked to see that there were several inches of snow on the ground.  It was not only a shock to our system,  but also to my sandal clad feet and short sleeve shirt!!  Fortunately, we didn't have to spend much time outside and soon arrived at the International terminal.

Unfortunately, this is where the rot sets in......  The plane didn't arrive until 30 minutes before we were supposed to board, we didn't board until an hour after our scheduled take-off time, and then we sat on the tarmac for FOUR hours waiting to be de-iced!!!!

The 13 hour flight itself was relatively uneventful although they did have a call for a Doctor on board to help with a medical emergency.

Needless to say, we missed our flight from Newark to Atlanta.  We went thru customs and to the airline counter to re-book another ticket, and found 10 or so people ahead of us.  The agents slowly worked their way thru the re-bookings and it was now our this point there were 30+ people behind us in line.  We were directed to an extremely nice woman who worked thru our situation.  She told us that we were already confirmed on a 4:15pm flight to Atlanta, but that we could fly standby  on any other flights for the day.  We knew that we needed to get back home as quickly as possible, so we agreed to do standby.  We were talking with her about how angry people can get in this situation.  She told us that it was about to get worse because the ticket agent's were supposed to leave in about 10 minutes!!  We were VERY fortunate to get our tickets taken care of!!

 We decided that there wasn't any reason to find a hotel just to sleep for 3 or 4 hours, so instead chose to spend the night (or what was left of it) in the airport.  We found a McDonald's and had something to eat, found a table with an electrical outlet and proceeded to enjoy several hours of emailing, blogging and catching up on American life.

We were pleased to be placed on the first flight of the morning (6:30am) and finally walked thru our door about 11:00 am.

All and all, it was a wonderful trip.  We were taken care of in every aspect of the trip and were totally in awe of the great care that was taken in planning our days.  We found the Chinese people to be warm and welcoming people and the city of Kunming to be beautiful. 

Miscellaneous photos from the Linden Center and Dahli

Three Pagodas in Dahli…..


A monument to the Phoenix_3074029

Alternate transport…….


Buying bread from a street vendor……


Passing another market….


Photos from the “wine making” temple……_3074149

_3074169 _3074147  _3074151

These barrels hold the rice wine while it ferments…..

_3074155 _3074157

The all important taste test…… _3074166


The amazing Mahjong Table ….


A little music with lunch…..  _3084221

Preparing the food that we are eating……


All that is left is a bunch of empty bowls….
